Department of Materia Medica

Department has been in existence since 2002 and has grown into full fledged department with separate HOD Cabin, staff room, museum, demonstration room and in house library.

We follow UG curriculum of KUHS and abide rules and regulations of CCH and AYUSH.

We conduct IP discussions, seminars and drug dramas involving house surgeons and students.

OP hours of department provides detailed description regarding each of the clinical cases providing students to have a better comparative knowledge regarding various drugs that can be prescribed for each cases.

IP days help children in studying the follow up of IP cases in hospital, to understand the effect of various drugs. More over IP sections are also includes for discussions on various drugs. Moreover IP sections are also include for discussions on various drugs, there family character study etc and students and house surgeons take up the discussions in presence of department facilities.Department museum in vast and full-fledged with more than 200 charts and 75 specimens of various medicinal plants. Herbarium is also provided.

Department also plays active role in research works.

Academic Achievements

Academic Achievements

Academic Achievements

Academic Achievements

Academic Achievements

Academic Achievements

Sl.No Name Photograph Designation Qualification MEd. Council Regno DOB Experience Academic Achievements
1 Dr. Usha.G. Professor & HOD BHMS 5744 October 16, 1969 15.6 years Click Here
2 Dr. Usha.K.N. Professor BHMS, MD (Hom) 4453 January 19, 1968 12 years Click Here
3 Dr. Seena.S. Reader BHMS, MD(Hom) years Click Here
4 Dr. Rekha Chandran.R. Reader BHMS 6531 March 11, 1975 13.6 years Click Here
5 Dr. Smitha.M. Lecturer BHMS, MD (Hom) 6896 December 25, 1976 15 years Click Here
6 Dr.Nayana.C.J. Lecturer BHMS 7183 May 25, 1978 14 years Click Here