Parent Teacher Association

Dr Tara L Patron
Shri B N Syamkumar President
Shri V Sreekumar Vice President
Dr Sareesh S Secretary
Dr Leeba Mary Joshua Joint Secretary
Dr Shalini G Unnithan Treasurer
Dr Zachariah George Executive Committee Member
Dr Thara P Executive Committee Member
Shri P G Suresh Babu Executive Committee Member
Shri K S Jayaprakashan Executive Committee Member
Shri G R Jayakumar Executive Committee Member
Shri Sudharsanakumar S Executive Committee Member
Dr Reeja Pearson Executive Committee Member
Shri Mohanan C Executive Committee Member
Dr.Krishna Kumar NSS Programme Officer

Affiliated Colleges of KUHS


  1. Name:
    The name of the Association shall be ‘Parent Teachers Association, Shree Vidyadhiraja Homoeopathic Medical College’.
  2. Office:
    The office of the Association shall unless otherwise decided by the General body, be situated at the Shree Vidyadhiraja Homoeopathic Medical College, hereinafter called the college.
  3. Objectives:
    The objectives of the association shall be

    • To foster and promote good understanding and co-operation between the members of the teaching staff and guardians of the students of the college.
    • To inculcate in the members a keen interest in the working and progress of the college.
    • To plan and execute such measures as well enable members to take an active and useful part in the development, improvement and welfare of the college.
    • To induce all guardians of the students of the college to effectively and actively co-operate with the college authorities in maintaining good disciplines and high standards among the students.
    • To define suitable ways and means with a view to prevent students unrest and to assist and co-operate with the college authorities in running the college smoothly during times of stress if any.
    • To take suitable action regarding, and make representations to the Government and other concerned authorities on matters relating to the addition of accommodation, the introduction of new courses, improvement of hostel facilities and such other matters concerning the general progress of the college.
    • To institute scholarships, prizes etc to encourage students in matters of studies and other healthy activities consistent with the rules of the college.
    • To plan and execute any items of work that will be beneficial or advantageous to the students and/ or college.
      To convene meetings and conventions of students, guardians and teachers.
    • For the purpose of carrying out all or any of the objects of the Association, to receive or collect grants, donations, giftsets from members, non-members, Government and other institutions.
  4. Membership
    • The guardians of all the undergraduate and post-graduate students and house surgeons of the college during any year are eligible to be the members of the Association during that year and the members shall form the general body of the Association.
    • The guardians of the students of the college who desire to join the Association shall be required fill in a membership form and this shall be done at the time of admission of his ward to a course of study in the college or at any time.
    • All the parent/ guardian shall be a member of the association and when a student leaves the college his guardian if so fact ceases to be a member.
    • All parents/guardians on admission as member shall pay a membership fee of Rs 250/- to the Association.
    • The Principal and all the members of the teaching staff of the college shall be the member of the Association.
  5. Administration
    • The administration of the association shall be vested in an executive committee, elected for the purpose.
    • The executive committee shall consist of
      (i) President
      (ii) Vice- president
      (iii) Secretary
      ( iv) Joint-Secretary
      (v) Treasurer and
      (vi) not more than 8 other members.
      The President and the Vice- president should be elected from the parents and Secretary, Joint Secretary and Treasurer should be elected from the teachers. 8 executive committee members, 6 and 2 each from the parents / guardians and teachers – constituencies respectively should be elected. In addition to these the Programme Officer, National Service Scheme, College Unit, will be the member of the executive committee. The Principal shall be the Patron of the Association.
    • The term of the office of the committee shall be one year (The year for this purpose shall be from 1st January to 31st December.)
    • The committee for a year shall be elected in the month of December.
    • Not withdrawing anything contained in the above position the committee can continue to hold office till a new committee is elected and assume charge. However this period so extended shall not be more than 6 months unless there are special reasons.
  6. Powers and responsibilities of the executive committee
    General Subject to the control of the general body

    • The committee shall have the power to manage all affairs of the association, incur and meet all necessary expenses of the Association, exercises all such powers of the Association and do on behalf of the Association all such acts are not inconsistent with these rules and as required to be done for the effective working of the Association
    • The committee shall have the power (i) to accept applications for membership and enlists members (ii) to take decisions on urgent matters by circulating the related papers among its members subject to satisfaction at the next meeting of the committee. (iii) to hold meetings of the committee at least once in a term of the college. (iv) to periodically check the registers and the other records of the association (v) to place before the General Body a report on the working of the Association during the previous year together with an audited account of the income and expenditure of the Association during the year (vi) to give effect to execute the decisions taken by the general body. (vii) to receive and dispose suggestions and complaints from members as well as from non-members (viii) to suggest amendments to any of the rules of the Association and frame new rules for the consideration of the General Body (ix) To fill up any casual vacancy in the executive committee (x) to perform all other acts and things connected with the administration of the Association and transactions of its business and protection and safety of its properties.
  7. Responsibilities of the office bearers
    • The President : (i) shall have control over the affairs of the association and (ii) shall preside over the meetings of the Executive committee and of the general body of the Association.(iii) shall have powers to convene special meetings of the Executive committee either on his own initiative or on the written requisition of not less than 4 committee members
    • The Vice President: In the absence of the president, the vice-president shall perform all the duties of the president.
    • The Secretary: (i) shall receive all applications for membership of the Association and produce them for the consideration of the Executive Committee. (ii) shall maintain proper records and registers of the Association and keep in custody of all official papers of the Association and to attend all correspondence on behalf of the Association (iii) shall convene regular meeting of the executive committee and the general body as may be required by these rules (iv) shall keep a minute book where in the proceedings of the Executive Committee and the general body shall be recorded (v) shall supervise the collections of other contribution of the Association and account to the Treasurer such of the collections are made by or through him.(vi) shall have the power to incur such items of contingent expenditures as may be deemed necessary by the committee for the performance of its duties for which shall be provided with a permanent fund by the Executive Committee and to render an account of the expenditure incurred, supported by proper vouchers to the Treasurer and get himself re-imbursed as and when necessary. (vii) shall perform all functions assigned to him from time to time by the Executive Committee or by the President.
    • The Joint Secretary: In the absence of the Secretary, the Joint Secretary shall perform all the duties of the Secretary.
    • The Treasurer: (i) shall be the sole custodian of all the cash and valuables and the connected accounts books, receipts books, vouchers, pass books etc. of the Association. (ii) shall jointly operate with Secretary the current, savings bank and other accounts such as time deposits, fixed deposits etc that may be opened by the Executive Committee.(iii) shall maintain proper records and book of the account in respect of all payments and receipts on behalf of the Association and produce them for the approval of the Executive Committee at its ordinary meetings.(v) shall get the annual accounts audited and place the audited accounts before the Executive Committee and the General Body. (v) shall have such other functions as my be entrusted to him by the Executive Committee from time to time. (vi) The cash in hand with the Treasurer shall not exceed the amount fixed by the Executive Committee from time to time. The balance shall be remitted in the Bank on the net working day of the Bank.
  8. Meeting of the Executive Committee
    • The quorum for a meeting of the Executive Committee shall be eight.
    • The President shall preside over the meetings and in his absence the Vice-president. If the vice-president is also absent, any member of the committee present at that time shall be elected to preside over and function as the President of the meeting.
    • The decisions by a majority of votes shall prevail in disposing off matters considered at the meetings and in the case of equality of votes, the chairman of the meeting shall have a casting vote.
    • If a member unavails without valid reason for 3 consecutive meetings of the Executive Committee, his membership will be ceased to exist and the vacancy will be filled up from among the members by nomination for the remaining terms of the committee.
  9. General Body and its meetings
    • The general body shall be the supreme authority concerning all affairs of the association
    • The quorum of every General body meeting shall be 20 or 1/5 of the total number of members whichever is less.
    • The General Body shall (i) Receive from the Executive Committee a report on the working of the Association and the audited accounts for the proceeding year and after discussion, adopt or modify the report and accounts as it may deem fit and proper. (ii) Elect Executive Committee members from the respective constituencies. (iii) The returning officer for conducting elections shall be appointed from the members by the Executive Committee. (iv) Consider any other business brought before it by the Executive Committee or members.
    • Clear 15 days notice shall ordinarily be given to the members for a meeting of the General Body. But emergency meeting may be called at a shorter notice.
    • If within the 30 minutes of the time fixed for the standing of a meeting, no quorum is formed, the meeting shall stand postponed to the same day and time of the next week. No quorum shall be necessary for such an adjourned meetings. But if the meeting is special one called on the requisition of members it shall be dissolved in case of such absence of a quorum.
    • A special meeting of the General body shall be summoned on written requisition for such a meeting by at least 1/8 of total members or 20 members whichever is less and at such a meeting the subject for consideration shall be only that indicated in the request of the members. In case the President does not call a special meeting within 30 days of the receipt of the requisition, any of the signatures shall convene the meeting.
  10. General
    • The members of the Executive Committee shall work on an honorary basis.
    • The Association shall have all office equipments as are ordinarily necessary for running it. The Association shall have a seal and it shall be in the safe custody of the secretary.
    • All documents executed by the association shall be signed by the president, the secretary and the Treasurer of the Executive Committee and bear the seal of the Association.
    • In case of legal proceedings before a court by or against the association, the association shall be represented by the President.
    • in case of dissolution of the association at any time, all properties of the Association shall be taken over by the Principal and disposed off as decided by the General Body meeting called for the dissolution or by the college council in case such meeting could not be summoned
    • None of the above rules shall be altered, amended or rescinded or added to except at a meeting of the general body of the Association and without the votes of at least 2/3 of the members present at such meeting. The proposed alterations, amendments, rescission or addition shall have been specified in the agenda of the meeting.