IP Department

The Homoeopathic Medical College has a Hospital attached with facilities for admitting patients. A well-equipped Clinical laboratory, Radiology, Ultrasound, ECG facilities are available at the Hospital for effective diagnosis and treatment of the patients attending to the Homoeopathic out-patient and inpatient departments. The IPDs at the best homeopathic hospital, admit patients recommended by the doctors of the various departments in the OPD section. Admission to the IPDs is subject to the discretion and recommendation of the doctors and the availability of beds at the homeopathic hospital. Out of turn, admission is granted only in the cases of medical emergencies.


The hospital has a setup to receive emergency cases within the scope of Homoeopathy. Daycare facilities are available to accommodate paediatric age group and to attend patients who do not require an Inpatient admission. Minor OT procedures such as Suturing, Incision and drainage, bandaging are performed. Wound management with regular dressings is also done. Few of the types of cases that are encountered are acute abdominal emergencies, Bronchial asthma, Pyrexia, Seizures, Dysmenorrhoea, Acute backaches, bleeding disorders etc.


Patients who seek Homoeopathic treatment are subjected to a process called screening, where the details of the complaints are explored and then they are directed to the appropriate Doctors and units.
Some acute cases or cases that require appointment with a specific doctor is managed here. All general enquiries on Homoeopathy and its treatment are clarified at the screening section.

Investigative and Diagnostic Aids


All cases requiring radiographic interpretation are referred to our very own radiographic unit, where plain x-rays and other basic x-ray techniques are used. Conditions commonly referred are for chest x-ray, bone fractures, joints etc.


All cases requiring Ultrasound interpretation are referred to our very own Ultrasound scan unit from various OPDs and IPDs.


All patients suspected with cardiac ailments can avail the ECG facilities provided by our hospital.

Clinical Laboratory
Lab tests include

Biochemistry tests – Blood glucose, Serum Cholesterol, HDL, Triglycerides, Lipid profile, Urea, Creatinine, Uric acid, SGOT, SGPT & Total Bilirubin.

Haematology Tests – Haemoglobin, TLC, RBC Count, DC, PCV, MCV, MCH, MCHC, AEC, Platelet, E.S.R, BT, CT

Pathology Tests – Blood grouping & typing, Urine sugar and Protein, Ketone bodies, bile salts and pigments, Urine and Stool microscopic examination

Microbiology Tests – Urine Pregnancy Test, Mantoux Test