Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department of Shree Vidyadhiraja Homoeopathic Medical College aims at developing in one students, the Clinical proficiency in understanding and treating various gynaecological conditions affecting women of all ages.

   Museum    Department has a well equipped museum and demonstration room with viscid display of charts, gynaecological instruments specimens, models etc. which helps easier and better understanding of subject. The library provided by department alongside the museum has a collection of nearly 50 books by various renowned authors for reference purpose for the faculty and students. These books imparts a detailed insight into the varied conditions coming under the domain of gynaecology and obstetrics. Department also provides a well equipped labour room.

   OPD & IPD

The Department provide OP/IP facilities in collegiate hospital. The OPD functions on a daily basis providing health care service to women of all ages. Common gynaecological conditions like fibroid, menstrual irregularities, PIOD pregnancy related diseases, infertility etc are effectively dealt within by the facilities. 5 beds are allocated to OBG Department in the hospital. A well equipped laboratory, X-ray, ECG and USS units functioning in the hospital has helped in improving the health care standards.

Academic Achievements

Academic Achievements

Sl.No Name Photograph Designation Qualification MEd. Council Regno DOB Experience Academic Achievements
1 Dr.Razanathu.F Professor & HOD BHMS 2381 May 25, 1967 15 years Click Here
2 Dr.Lekshmi.D Reader BHMS 6219 June 26, 1973 14 years Click Here